Wg: Ww2: Junkers Ju.88 A-4 (Kgr506)


Out Of Stock

PRICE: US$ 29.21


The Junkers Ju.88 A-4, was the most important version of all Ju.88 A-series and it entered service in very small numbers in 1939, equipped significant numbers of units during 1940, and was the most important German bomber at the start of Operation Barbarossa in 1941. The A-4 solved the problems that had limited the performance of the A-1, increasing the wingspan, using more powerful engines as 1,400hp Jumo 211F or 211J, fortifying the internal armor (especially around the cockpit), and increasing its rate of fire, carrying five guns and a bomb load of 7,936lbs.

KGr 506 was formed from KGr 906 on 1941 and renamed Battle Group 506, and it was used in the air offensive against England. At the end of 1941, it was deployed with the Ju.88 A-4 against land and sea targets.

This WW2 Wings of Glory® Squadron Pack includes one ready–to–play model, painted and assembled; a decal sheet to customize your model as one of the airplanes from a famous squadron; and everything you need to play (special base with gaming stats, altitude stands, and a deck of airplane, skill and maneuver cards) with the model.

1/200 scale model
Decal sheet
Flight stand with game stats
4 altitude stands
Airplane card
Maneuver and special cards